Last week Susan Thomas introduced us to Tarina Cox-Jones.   Tarina is the Principal at Skinner Magnet Center where she is in her 8th year.  Tarina holds a Bachelor's in Elementary Education from UNL and Master's in Elementary Education from UNO.   She taught for six years before becoming the Principal at Kellom Elementary. She has also served as Principal at Dodge Elementary. 
In addition to her work at Skinner, she also serves as the President of CACE (Concerned & Caring Educators) an organization of African American Administrators in the Omaha Public Schools.
Tarina currently serves on the Board of the Directors for the Butler Gast and Maple Street YMCA’s and NAMI (National Alliance on Mental Illness) Nebraska.    She is currently working on her Doctorate at UNL and will complete it in 2020. Her dissertation will focus on the recruitment and retention of teachers of color. Welcome, Tarina! 