Join us in the private room at Tanner's (1202 S 119th St) on Wednesday, August 18th from 5-7 pm for our first event of the Rotary year. You will be able to order off the menu.
Our club has so many opportunities for service. Yet if we take on these challenges, we need more members to help us do the work. Please consider bringing at least one potential new member to a Rotary meeting as your guest.
Please keep Bruce Cramer in your thoughts and prayers as he undergoes cancer treatments. Bruce is currently having immunotherapy treatments and is feeling good and positive. Bruce's address is 18402 Cuming Circle, Elkhorn, NE 68022
(If you have information for the About Us section, please contact Jennifer)
We are looking to make this event bigger and better than ever! SAVE THE DATE- Thursday, September 16th at Pacific Springs.
CLICK HERE to register or sign up for a sponsorship.
Contact Alex Pearson if you have a raffle prize to donate. You can buy raffle tickets online - 1 for $5 or 5 for $20 by CLICKING HERE or at an upcoming meeting. (If you buy online, we will complete for you!)
To Pay for Zoom attendance, please go to our website and click on the link for Zoom/Fines/Good News
You can pay for one meeting or a 10 meeting punch card. Please take care of this by Monday in order to receive attendance credit. No one will contact you as a reminder.
The Zoom link remains the same each week. Please plan to join us this Friday at noon for our regular meeting. Please make sure your name is on your Zoom profile so we can let you in the meeting. We are no longer recording meetings nor streaming to Facebook.
22nd Annual Millard Rotary Dave & Arlene Steier Memorial Golf Tournament
September 16, 2021 at Tiburon Golf Course
10:30AM Registration Begins Lunch Specials Available in the Pub Purchase String and Mulligans Raffle Ticket Sales and Silent Auction Open Warm up on the Driving Range and Putting Green
11:30AM Shotgun Start for the Tournament
5:00PM Dinner Served
5:30PM Winners of Each Flight Awarded Pin and Raffle Prizes Awarded Silent Auction Ends & Winners Announced