Each week we will feature a different member so you can get to know him/her better! This week's Rotarian is Jennifer Bumsted Occupation: Project Manager at 12 Points Technology How long have you been a member of West Omaha Rotary: 1 year Why did you join? Who can say no to Mark Ellsworth? What do you get out of Rotary? Fellowship, giving back Children’s Names: Jacob, Joshua, Lucas Hobbies: Reading, Kayaking, Beaches, Traveling Would you rather spend a week on the beach or in the mountains: beach Favorite Vacation Spot: St. John Favorite Ice Cream Flavor: Mint chocolate chip Favorite Movie: Princess Bride If you were not in your occupation, what would be your dream job? Owner of a bar on an island What’s one thing that is on your bucket list: Living in Italy One thing that no one knows about you: I can't do a cartwheel |