Each week we will feature a different member so you can get to know him/her better! We are getting low on volunteers- please click HERE to complete a form and send it/give it to Jennifer if you haven't yet been featured. This week's Rotarian is Don Otis Occupation: Retired from Insurance and Financial Services Membership: 35+ years Why did you join? Invitation from Bob Lovgren What do you get out of Rotary? Fellowship and opportunity to serve
Spouse: Rita Children: Julie and Sally Grandchildren: Evalyn (11) Beach or Mountains? Mountains Favorite Vacation spot: Family Cabin at Spirit Lake, Iowa Hobbies: Photography, golf, travel, reading Favorite Ice Cream: Any cherry and chocolate mix Favorite Movie: Echo in the Canyon (documentary) One thing on your bucket list: Return to New Zealand for 4-6 months Dream Job: Cherry pie and vanilla ice cream tester One thing no one knows about you: I was the YMCA Camp Director for the Omaha Police Community Relations Camp in Columbus, NE in the late 1960s. |