Occupation: Consultant
How long have you been a member of West Omaha Rotary: 4 months
Why did you join? Like the energy of this group, and to build new relationships
What do you get out of Rotary? Enjoy the speakers, the other members, and the mission focus
Spouse Name: Karen
Children’s Names/Ages Sarah (Phillips) 32, Sam 29
Grandchildren Names/Ages: Ada-6, Cleo-5
Hobbies: Pheasant hunting, camping, playing music, camping, my family!
Would you rather spend a week on the beach or in the mountains: on the prairie
Favorite Vacation Spot: New Zealand
Favorite Ice Cream Flavor: Chocolate Chocolate Chip
Favorite Movie: True Grit (the original)
If you were not in the occupation, you currently have, what would be your dream job? I’m in my dream job…
What’s one thing that is on your bucket list: Walk the Camino de Santiago
One thing that no one knows about you: I can’t read music