Coming up 11/24/23
No Meeting
Welcome Trent Pearce! 
Last week Mark Ellsworth introduced us to new member Trent Pearce.  Trent is growing in his career as an independent Financial Advisor at Pearce Financial, based in Omaha, NE. A proud alumnus of Creighton University’s Heider College of Business, Trent graduated in 2022 with a Bachelor's degree in Financial Planning and Entrepreneurship.
With his upbringing in Omaha and attending Creighton Prep, Trent's roots run deep in the local community. Growing up with his twin sister Kara and older brother Grant, family has always been a cornerstone of Trent's life. 
In his free time, Trent enjoys sporting events, golf, frequent travel, and time spent enjoying the outdoors with his two dogs. He is also  a licensed private pilot and enjoys flying on nice days.  He is also an active community volunteer. 
In pursuit of further community engagement, Trent is excited to become a proud member of Rotary. Motivated by his deep affection for Omaha and a desire to effect positive change, he looks forward to the many opportunities there are to serve within this club.
Welcome, Trent!
Thank you RMD Volunteers! 
Thank you to all our Ronald McDonald House meal-makers from November 6th! 
Skinner Career Fair 
Thanks to all our Rotary volunteers for the Skinner Career Fair.  A special thank you to Denny Duer for organzing!
Warm Clothing Donations 
Thank you to everyone who dropped their warm clothing donations at Bel Air Clothing for the Salvation Army. The program was such a success that they are going to continue to collect.  Please encourage your friends and family to drop off donations of gently-used coats and other warm clothing.
November is Rotary Foundation Month
Please consider a donation to the Intl. Rotary Foundation during the month of November.   Rotary Foundation funds go around the globe to better the lives of people.   Some of this money comes back to our club in the form of District Grants for local Projects.  You can donate HERE.   $100 annually makes you a Paul Harris Sustaining Member.   You can give $10 a month automatically as well to make the annual goal easy. 
Volunteer Opportunities
We have several ways for you to make a difference in the next couple of months.  
Salvation Army Bell Ringing- Saturday, November 25th from 11am- 4pm at Baker's at 132nd and Maple CLICK HERE to sign up. 
Salvation Army Winter Night Watch- meet at headquarters by 5:30 (10755 Burt St) Various dates available beginning on 11/27. CLICK HERE to sign up.  Warm clothing donations are being accepted by Bel-Air clothing
About Winter Night Watch: For a couple of hours, come and help the Salvation Army at 10755 Burt Street feed and clothe some of our community's most vulnerable population. Two of you will be in the back of a Salvation Army truck beginning at 5:30, fully equipped with hot food and much need clothing items to serve the least amongst us. You should be back at Salvation Army and in your car by 8 p.m. Please help Omaha West make the most difference with your service and time in our community. 
About Us
Rebecca Miller's mom recently passed away. Please keep her family in your thoughts and prayers.  Their address is Rebecca and Mark Miller, 1015 Marcy Plaza, Omaha, NE 68108.
Please also keep April Clark's family in your thoughts and prayers as her mother undergoes treatment for lung cancer.
Monthly Meeting Sponsor 
Thank you to our November/December Meeting Sponsor.
Gretchen Radler/ Bloom Companion Care 
Nov 24, 2023 12:00 PM
Dec 01, 2023 12:00 PM
President of Nebraska Pro Volleyball
Dec 08, 2023 12:00 PM
Owner of Vala's Pumpkin Patch
Dec 15, 2023 12:00 PM
View entire list
Upcoming Events
Salvation Army Bell Ringing
Nov 25, 2023
11:00 AM – 4:00 PM
Winter Night Watch Starts
Nov 27, 2023
5:30 PM – 8:00 PM
Cirque de Soleil
Nov 30, 2023
6:00 PM – 8:00 PM
Board Meeting
Dec 13, 2023
12:00 PM - 1:00 PM
Happy Hour
Dec 14, 2023
4:00 PM - 7:00 PM
Happy Hour
Jan 11, 2024
4:00 PM - 7:00 PM
Board Meeting
Jan 17, 2024
12:00 PM - 1:00 PM
View entire list
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Member Birthdays
Trudy Bredthauer
November 1
David Fulton
November 2
Warren Ford
November 7
Matt McKeever
November 9
Tim Calabro
November 19
Andrew Galardi
November 20
Jennifer Bumsted
November 20
Elizabeth Hallgren
November 21
Mark Ellsworth
November 21
Carl Philo
November 25
Michelle Schrage
November 27