Coming Up 8/25/23
West Rotary Signing Day
Come See Why 
"Omaha West is the Best!" 
Chair of the Day: Lindsey Vande Hoef
Invocator: Jeri Engen
Greeter: Regina Meradith 
Sgt. at Arms: Bob Gerseny
Cashier: Anne Fuhrman
Welcome Jacob Mathews! 
Last week Lindsey Vande Hoef introduced us to new member Jacob Mathews.  Jacob  lived in Omaha for seven years. He graduated with a bachelor's degree in business from Bellevue University in 2020.
He currently works for Weddle and Sons Inc and has been there for the last seven years. Weddle and Sons is roofing company that specializes in pitched roofing applications. They replace anything from small farm sheds with asphalt shingles to multi-unit apartment complex roof lines. They install a variety of roofing materials including but not limited to Tesla Solar Roofing. He started with Weddle as a foreman and has worked his way to being the Omaha area sales rep, but their company now services a seven-state radius.
 Jacob is married to his wife Megan and they have two children under three years old. He has too many hobbies to count, but his favorites are remodeling and flipping houses, boating with his family, hunting with his brothers, and hiking with his Golden Retriever. 
Welcome, Jacob!
Congratulations to our 100%ers who were recognized last week by Participation Chair, Dwayne Brown and acting- President Dick Sturgeon.  
(Not pictured: Yolanda Hoffman and Kent Templien who were both recognized on Zoom for 7 years perfect attendance.)
Scott Hahn- 1 year
Kathy Wawers- 2 years
Dick Lerner- 29 years 
Stuff the Backpack with Cash
For many years, Rotarians have collected funds around the holidays from members to support our Mitten Tree project. These funds were used to buy coats, gloves, and other items for Skinner Magnet School. In order to better meet the students' needs, this collection will be done for 3 Fridays starting on August 11th. You can bring cash to a meeting or donate online through the Omaha West Charitable Foundation. CLICK HERE. 
These funds will be used to buy coats and other needed items prior to winter.  This year's drive will be called "Stuff the Backpack with Cash" and will replace the 2023 Mitten Tree Drive. 
Ecology Committee Project 
The West Omaha Rotary Ecology Committee is planning on refurbishing the hike/bike trail sign at Newport Landing, near Bennington (Highway 36 between 168th and 180th, sign located on top of the dam) on Sunday, September 17, 2023, at 9:30 AM.  We will sand both sides of the sign, stain it, clean up the plexiglass covering of the bike trail maps, and hang a new map.  We are soliciting volunteers. Come ready to work; if you have a battery-powered sander, please bring it. Questions can be directed to Charles Shapiro, 402 649 5071 or  These signs were originally installed by Rotarians along with trail markers as a metro-wide project many years ago.
Annual Golf Fundraiser 
Save the Date- Monday, September 11th.   
We will have an opportunity to have a 19th Hole get together for those who are unable to participate in the scramble, but want to be part of the fun.  You can register to golf or be a sponsor HERE.   If you have any questions, please reach out to Candy Specht. 
9/11 Memorial Flag Display
Downtown Rotary leads a project annually in memory of the Events of 9/11.  They will be setting up flags in Memorial Park on Saturday, September 2nd from 9-11am.  They are looking for volunteers to help.  You can click on the link below to sign up. 
District Conference Sponsors and Registration
The District Conference will be held on Friday, October 13th and Saturday, October 14th. Our meeting is cancelled to encourage your attendance. Please consider joining us for all or part.  CLICK HERE to learn more and register or scan the QR code below.
Also, sponsors are needed for the conference. If you are interested, please reach out to Dan Lassek or Jennifer. Info is below.
New Member Proposals
Name: Aaron Hanson 
Classification: Law Enforcement
Company: Douglas County Sheriff 
Proposer: Jennifer Bumsted
Name: Jimmy Ellsworth
Classification: Retail 
Company: Bottles and Barrels  
Proposer: Mark Ellsworth
 Any objection to these proposals must be in writing to the Board of Directors within one week. 
Rotary Readers Needed 
The need for adults to help students learn/improve their reading at Skinner is significant. We are looking to supplement our Rotary Readers with community members. Can you ask a friend/family member to join us?  The time commitment is small but the impact is huge over a child's lifetime.
Monthly Meeting Sponsor 
Thank you to our August Meeting Sponsor
Jim Otis- the Otis Company
Pay Dues Here 
  Payment can be made online HERE. 
Aug 25, 2023 12:00 PM
Sep 01, 2023 12:00 PM
Sep 08, 2023 12:00 PM
Chairman/President College World Series
Sep 15, 2023 12:00 PM
View entire list
Upcoming Events
Stuff the Backpack with Cash
Aug 25, 2023
Annual Golf Fundraiser
Sep 11, 2023
Board Meeting
Sep 20, 2023
12:00 PM - 1:00 PM
Board Meeting
Oct 18, 2023
12:00 PM - 1:00 PM
Trustee Meeting
Oct 27, 2023 1:00 PM
Board Meeting
Nov 15, 2023
12:00 PM - 1:00 PM
View entire list

Set Me Free Project

Set Me Free Project

Interested in being a sponsor?
Download the website sponsorship guide
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Advertisement for ClubRunner Mobile
Member Birthdays
David Thompson
August 7
Patrick Roy
August 7
Tony Denman
August 7
Anne Fuhrman
August 14
Mark Christopher Manhart
August 14
Chad Allen
August 17
Suzan Rohrig
August 17
Anthony Schultz
August 20
Jim Otis
August 20
Scott Hahn
August 24
Chuck Schmaderer
August 25
Judy Ackland
August 27