Each week we will feature a different member so you can get to know him/her better! This week's Rotarian is Svetlana Hutfles Occupation: Philanthropy- former Non-Profit Executive How long have you been a member of West Omaha Rotary: 6 months Why did you join? I recently moved to Omaha and want to be of value to my fellow Omahans. I am also looking forward to getting to know the Omaha business community as I am pondering what's next in my career. What do you get out of Rotary? New friendships and contribute to meaningful projects in the community. Hobbies: salsa dancing and teaching, watching movies, playing chess, walking, and painting Would you rather spend a week on the beach or in the mountains: the beach with the mountains as a backdrop Favorite Vacation Spot: Caribbean Favorite Ice Cream Flavor: Cream Favorite Movie: Forrest Gump If you were not in the occupation, you currently have. What would be your dream job? Surgeon What’s one thing that is on your bucket list: to visit Fiji One thing that no one knows about you: my unique buoyancy |