Omaha West Rotary Club Secretary Report for November 02 2018:
This past Friday, we had Dick Galusha from NW Rotary. We had several red badge members stand and be recognized. 
Birthdays for November included:  Trudy Bredhauer (Nov 1), Dean Jenkins (Nov 4), Matt McKeever (Nov 9), Stanley Lierz (Nov 13), Stanley Truhlsen (Nov 13), Mark Ellsworth (Nov 21), Carl Philo (Nov 25) & Michelle Schrage (Nov 27).  Please wish them a happy birthday!
We acknowledged our newest Rotarian member Ken Thomason, who is awaiting formal introduction to the club.
Mike Morey won the chance to draw for the bucks for Bingel pulling out the 2 of hearts.
All donations for the following good news were put in the Verde Martin Lock Box. 
Good News: Don Otis’ daughter hired as director at Fontanelle Forest, Mark Ellsworth is celebrating 26th  wedding anniversary, Brett Waivers daughter is now fully experienced in changing her own flat tire thanks to the great teaching of Brett,  Laura Thomas’ son had his 4th birthday celebration on Halloween, Martie Cordaro announce that the baseball documentary film was in the final at the LA Film Awards, Bruce Kramer’s Granddaughter is the captain of the 4th grade math team and participated on 8th grade math level.  Manny is going to Cancun on Saturday for a week.
Fine was given to Carol Gendler for 2018 sponsor of the Bemis Center for Contemporary Art and Matt Mckeever for not being at the Birthday table. Also, those that did not purchase Bloody Mary Jazzfest tickets were fined.
Manny closed with a joke and wished everyone a good weekend.